Our approach


At Active Atlas we’ve worked onboard many yachts, private villas and other parts of the world, hosting and creating unique bespoke services for our clients. As coaches, our main areas of focus are within health and well-being mixed with corrective exercising. Why? A busy lifestyle needs a vessel (your body) to we be well balanced, managed and taken care of as we require our total self for daily performances in all areas and aspects of our lives, being healthy, agile and adaptive is a part of growth. Therefore we must respect this to help aid and create an environment to support this.

On vacation, we must work hard not to exhaust ourselves to return to our daily lives once we leave. That is why we apply this to our creation process in making your vacation exactly what you need from start to finish, a journey for the mind, body and spirit.

We build on this to ensure that all things around you are reflecting back at you with what you need to recharge and reboot. If you are someone that has a mixed combination of family needs (which we all do) then we work at balancing this effectively into your time away.

We at Active Atlas consult you, create your itinerary and enable you to focus on yourself-care and enjoy the beautiful isle of Mallorca.

Get in touch for more information helloactiveatlas@gmail.com

Active Atlas